January 13, 2023

What Are Micro Influencers? Mega rise of micro influencers & how brands can capitalise on this in 2023

Don’t know what micro influencers are? explains how to find them and work with them

Micro influencers are everyday people with a large social media following (usually between 1,000 and 50,000 followers) who have the ability to influence their followers' purchasing decisions.

In today's social media-driven world, it's no surprise that influencer marketing has become one of the most popular and effective ways for brands to reach new audiences and promote their products or services.

But why are they becoming so popular?

Unlike celebrities or other 'macro influencers', micro influencers are much more relatable and therefore their endorsements are perceived as more trustworthy.

What's more, micro influencers often have a very engaged and loyal following, which makes them ideal for promoting products or services to.

So how can brands capitalise on this growing trend? In this article we reveal all, so read on to find out more!

Photo about micro influencers

Influencer Marketing Tiers in Australia

Influencer marketing tiers in Australia are a way of categorising influencers based on their popularity, level of engagement with their followers, and perceived influence within a specific industry or niche. These tiers can help brands evaluate the value and suitability of an influencer for a particular marketing campaign. The tiers are typically based on factors such as the size of an influencer's following, their level of expertise and credibility, and their overall appeal to a target audience.

  1. Nano-influencers with 1,000 to 10,000 follower count
  2. Micro-influencers with 10,000 to 50,000 follower count
  3. Mid-tier influencers with 50,000 to 500,000 follower count
  4. Macro-influencers with 500,000 to 1 million followers
  5. Australian celebrity influencers with more than 1 million followers
Photo about micro influencers

Remember, a higher follower count doesn't always guarantee the success you desire. Hiring the right influencer for your brand is the key to success. You may want to check out our latest guide on hiring the right influencer before making any decision.

How much does a micro influencer charge per post?

Usually, micro influencers charge you based on their follower count - meaning more followers will be more expensive. Remember to do deeper research on the validity of their following because it might be fake. Here's the rough estimate of pricing based on their follower count:

Photo about micro influencers

How to find micro influencers and work with them?

Step 1: Know your influencer marketing goals

Before looking to expand your brand's reach through micro influencer marketing, it's important to set goals and objectives for your campaign. Consider factors such as increasing brand awareness, product consideration, and driving sales. Doing so will help frame your plan and ensure its efficiency. Tracking these metrics will provide you with insight into how well your campaign is performing so that you can adjust it accordingly.

Step 2: Decide on a campaign platform for your influencer strategy

Researching the different platforms available to find the best fit for your brand and campaign is key. Each platform has its own unique features and understanding those can help you maximise their potential while avoiding any risks they may present. As a business owner, this is something to consider when selecting influencers and platforms for your campaigns.

Step 3: Choose your target audience for micro-influencer marketing

To effectively expand reach with micro influencer marketing, the first step is to research your target audience and their buying behaviours, demographics, and interests. This helps you gain an understanding of who your ideal influencer should be. Then, look into potential micro-influencers to ensure they include members of your target audience. You can use keyword research to identify trending accounts and pages with a good amount of engagement using phrases and hashtags related to your niche market.

By following these steps, you'll be able to find the right influencers to collaborate with and make the most out of your micro influencer marketing efforts.

Photo about micro influencers

Step 4: Research potential micro influencers and try out different content plans

You can identify the micro-influencers who best match your brand by analysing their follower engagement rates and the topics they cover. Before sending out any direct messages or proposals, it is recommended to engage with the influencers on social media to show genuine interest in working with them. Any arrangements should also be made clear to avoid misunderstandings later.

Step 5: Negotiate terms and conditions

Once you've identified the ideal influencers, reach out to them to discuss the details of your campaign. Negotiate terms such as compensation, content requirements, and the duration of the partnership.

After hiring them, develop a content plan outlining the type of posts and frequency of posting. Remember to allow the influencers creative freedom and trust them to produce content that will promote the brand's products or services.

Step 6: Monitor engagement rates and post quality for influencers

The key to successful micro influencer marketing is understanding the influencer’s channel and audience. After you've started working with them, analyse the campaign reports in-depth to ensure you have framed your campaign effectively. Monitor their engagement rates to ensure they provide high-quality content that resonates with their followers. Lastly, ensure the influencer can keep up with the number of posts you're asking for – too many posts can lead to a decrease in engagement. With these steps, you can ensure that your micro influencer campaigns are successful!

Step 7: Evaluate the Influencer's authenticity and relevance to the audience

Evaluate the influencer's engagement rate to determine how trusted they are by their followers and look for engagement from specific follower segments you're targeting. Take some time to review the influencer's content and see if it aligns with your brand's message. You should also look at the influencer's audience demographics to see if they match your target audience. Do not forget to monitor for signs of fraud or bot activity to ensure your campaign isn't undermined by fake accounts. These steps will help you achieve your campaign goals.

Step 8: Monitor and analyse the results

Track campaign performance and regularly measure the success of your influencer partnerships. Track website traffic and conversions with tools like Google Analytics and track social media metrics like engagement and reach.

Step 9: Manage budget with cost optimisation strategies

Budget management is a key factor in leveraging the power of micro influencers to get your brand seen and heard. By understanding your budget and what kind of micro influencers you can afford, you can create a successful campaign that will reach the right audience and generate maximum engagement. With budget management, you can explore your options and find the ideal micro influencers to partner with for maximum impact. So don't forget to consider the budget when planning your micro influencer campaigns - it could be the key to success!

What are the benefits of using micro influencers?

1. Increased Reach and Engagement

It is important to understand the power of micro influencer marketing for your business. Micro influencers have smaller target audiences than traditional influencers, so businesses can reach a wider audience while still being able to focus on engaging with specific customers. Not only are micro influencers more affordable to use, but they tend to have higher engagement rates than influencers with bigger followers. Collaborating with micro influencers is a great way to increase reach and engagement for any business looking to increase its marketing efforts.

2. Cost-Effective Marketing

You can save on advertising costs by using micro-influencers for your campaigns. Micro-influencers have smaller, more targeted audiences which means you can reach more people with less money. Using micro-influencers to promote your brand is less expensive than using traditional influencers, making it a cost-effective marketing strategy for businesses of any size. With micro-influencers, you can easily reach your target audience and deliver your message without breaking the bank.

3. Authentic Brand Marketing

Working with micro-influencers is an effective way to grow your brand’s reach while preserving trust and authenticity. Micro-influencers tend to be more genuine and relatable than other bigger-tier influencers. As a business owner, using micro-influencers to promote your brand can help you personalise and humanise your brand while reaching out to the right target audience. This will also show that you value the influencer's communication style and post content and that their followers are the ideal fit for your campaign.

Photo about micro influencers

4. Improved Customer Experience

By working with micro influencers, you can provide your customers with relevant, personalised, and engaging digital experiences. This will help you build customer trust and loyalty. You can use the data collected from micro influencer campaigns to better understand your customers, enabling you to tailor interactions accordingly.

5. Increased Brand Awareness

Through content creation, micro-influencers can help increase brand awareness by reaching a wider audience and strengthening the relationship between your brand and potential customers. Hiring the right micro-influencers for your campaign is an effective way to maximize your potential Brand and expand your customer base.

6. Enhanced Social Media Strategy

Using micro-influencers can be a great strategy for connecting with niche audiences. Their highly engaged following on social media can help you target your desired audience and increase the conversation around your service or product. Micro-influencers have fewer restrictions on what they can post, giving them more freedom to create engaging content, which helps connect your brand with customers on a personal level.

7. Increased Customer Loyalty

Using micro influencers to market your business is an effective way to increase customer loyalty. By leveraging the personal connections that micro influencers have with their followers, brands can build a much stronger relationship with their target audience. This trust between the brand and. customers for greater customer loyalty.

Photo about micro influencers

8. Improved Brand Reputation

You can use micro-influencers to amplify and customise your brand. Their strong relationship with fans creates an atmosphere of trust and authenticity that helps build a relationship between your brand and your customers. This communication can help reduce consumer distrust of sizes companies that help improve your brand’s reputation. When working with micro-influencers, you can create campaigns that feel more like a conversation between two people rather than just another marketing ploy. This will help make your brand more relatable and increase customer confidence.

9. Increased Conversion Rate

Using micro-influencers to promote your products or services is an effective way to increase conversions. Partnering with them can help amplify your reach and give it an edge in the market.

For example, suppose a fashion micro-influencer recommends a brand of clothing. In that case, their fashion-interested followers may be more likely to buy that brand because they trust the influencer's taste and opinion. Likewise, suppose health and Wellness spaces recommend a specific product or service. In that case, their followers have a better chance to try it because they trust the influencer's expertise in the field - resulting in an increased conversion rate.

How brands can capitalise on the rise of micro influencers

1. Identify Micro Influencers With Relevant Followings

There are a few steps you should take to find the right influencers for your campaign. First, research your target audience to identify who your ideal customer is and what kind of content they would be interested in. Then check the demographics of each micro-influencer's following to understand who they are reaching and how they engage with them. You should also make sure to analyse the quality of their followers by checking engagement rate, follower count, reach etc., to ensure it is high enough for them to be effective for your campaign goals. Also, review the type of posts they typically share as well as their niche to make sure it aligns with your brand’s message or product offering. Lastly, you can take help from an online talent platform like our own to find relevant micro-influencers quickly.

2. Work With Micro Influencers To Create Relevant Content

Look for micro influencers who have an established following in the sector, are familiar with the brand, and have the potential to create engaging content. Once identified, it's time to draft a contract that outlines the payment terms, deliverables, and other applicable details. When compensating the influencer(s), figure out what form of payment works best based on the length of the campaign, usage rights, and engagement rate with followers. To ensure relevant content is created that resonates with the target audience, allow for an open dialogue between the parties during the ideation stage.

Photo about micro influencers

3. Engage With Micro Influencers To Increase Brand Presence

Once you identify the right influencers you want to work with, create a detailed campaign plan outlining goals and objectives. Don't just hire, use and forget them, but also engage with them throughout the campaigns to build relationships and discuss opportunities for further collaboration.

4. Offer Incentives For Influencer Posts

You can offer incentives to the influencers you are going to work with. This could be product gifts, discounts, commission on sales driven, or other perks, and an invitation to become part of a special ambassador or affiliate team. By providing incentives, you can ensure that the micro influencers are motivated to promote your brand and help increase your brand's reach.

5. Track the campaigns

Track and measure the success of your influencer campaigns. Use tools like social media analytics and engagement metrics to track the performance of your influencer campaigns and optimise for future collaborations.

6. Include Micro Influencers in Marketing Campaigns

Integrating micro influencers into marketing campaigns is another way brands can work more effectively with these individuals. Here are a few ways brands can do this:

1. Invite micro-influencers to participate in product launches or events to create buzz and drive traffic to your products or events.

2. Collaborate with micro influencers on co-branded content. Create sponsored articles or videos that showcase your products or services.

3. Use micro influencers as brand ambassadors by partnering with them to create long-term campaigns or programmes that showcase your products or services.

7. Utilise Micro Influencers To Generate User-Generated Content

Using micro influencers to create user-generated content (UGC) is another effective way for brands to work with these individuals. UGC is anything created by customers or fans of a brand and can include things like reviews, images and videos.

Photo about micro influencers

Here are a few ways brands can use micro influencers to generate UGC:

1. Encourage micro influencers to create and share content that showcases your products or services. This can include creating product reviews for unboxing videos or other content that shows your products in action.

2. Run a social media contest or challenge encouraging followers to create and share UGC showcasing your content. You can work with micro influencers to promote the contest and help drive participation.

3. Use hashtags and other social media tools to encourage users to share personal stories featuring your products. You can work with micro influencers to promote these hashtags and help drive engagement.


What is the difference between micro influencers and macro influencers?

Micro-influencers typically have 10,000 to 50,000 followers and tend to have a close relationship with their audience.

Macro influencers have larger followers (usually between 500,000 and 1 million) and are considered more like public figures, and are generally more expensive to work with.

How do micro-influencers help brands in their marketing campaigns?

Micro-influencers can provide high engagement rates and have a greater success rate when it comes to influencing customers, thanks to their personal connection with their followers. Utilising micro-influencers can help drive sales, subscriptions, and other desired results. Furthermore, they are more involved with their audience and understand what it takes to keep them engaged, making it easier to achieve the desired campaign objectives.

What types of content do micro-influencers post?

Micro-influencers post content related to their areas of expertise or interest, such as photos, videos, tips or advice on a particular topic, product reviews and recommendations, behind-the-scenes looks at their life or work environment, and stories about their experiences with different products or services.

How do you find the right micro-influencers for your brand?

First, analyse the influencers you are considering by reviewing their past content and engagement rates to ensure the best fit for your brand.

Also, consider the influencer's style and message to ensure it matches your brand. At last, reach out to influencers to see if they are interested in working with your brand.

How do you measure the success of a micro-influencer campaign?

There are a few key metrics to track to measure the success of a micro-influencer campaign.

Start measuring the engagement rate of your influencers by dividing the number of engagements (likes, follows, comments, shares) by their follower count. You can track any changes in website traffic with Google Analytics if you're using links (affiliate links, UTMs) in your campaigns.

Keep an eye out for increased followers, which may indicate increased brand awareness and outreach potential for your brand or product/service offering(s). Lastly, you can use coupon codes or affiliate links to measure conversions from specific influencers so you can better understand which creators drive more sales or subscriptions through their posts on social media platforms. By tracking these key metrics, you can accurately assess the performance of your micro-influencer campaigns.

How much do micro-influencers typically charge for a post?

Micro-influencers cost much lower than macro-influencers and celebrity influencers. Their rates vary based on follower count or subscribers, but those aren't the only metrics to look for. Check out our breakdown of estimated rates for Australian influencers.

What platforms do micro-influencers use?

Micro-influencers use a variety of platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, blogs, Twitter, and Pinterest. They can also use platforms like podcasts and websites specific to their industry.

Using micro influencers can help brands expand their reach beyond what is possible with traditional marketing channels. By partnering with micro influencers from, you can effectively promote your brand and reach a larger target audience. This is a more effective way to reach a wider audience than traditional advertising methods can provide. Get started today!

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