Brand tips

Tips for Casting a Model or Actor

To help you, we’ve put together our 5 top tips to make the casting process stress-free. We’ll cover the most important steps to cast an Actor or Model who’s the right fit for your campaign

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Looking to cast talent for your next project? Models and Actors provide high-quality content across video, stills, social media, ad campaigns, or TVC’s. Discover how to cast the perfect Model or Actor with our five top tips.

Hiring a Model or Actor brings quality and professionalism to any job, whether it’s the big screen, the small screen, or the smartphone screen. But casting a Model or Actor can be daunting. Where do you start? What should you look for? And how much should you pay?

To help answer these questions, we’ve put together our 5 top tips to make the casting process stress-free. We’ll cover the most important steps to cast an Actor or Model who’s the right fit for your campaign - let’s get right into it.

#1 - Be clear on your preferred theme or “look”

The more detailed and clear you are in what you’re looking for, the easier it will be to find the right match

For example, are you looking for a bohemian/beachy style shoot or a more corporate and conservative campaign? Once you’ve identified your theme, it’s easier to describe your ideal talent which makes it easy for suitable applicants to get in touch.

What to include in your Model or Actor brief:

  • Age range
  • Height
  • Hair colour
  • Ethnicity
  • Dress or pant size
  • Shoe size

The more detailed you are, the more suitable your submissions will be. Consider adding additional requirements like piercings, tattoos, or descriptive qualities (e.g. “must have a great smile” or “looking for an edgy model with a quirky style”). These descriptions will give Models and Actors an idea if they’re the right fit for you.

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Looking for more tips on writing a catchy job listing? Click here for our simple 5-step guide to writing the perfect job listing

#2 - Review each talent’s portfolio

Each talent’s portfolio showcases a range of their photographic and video work to give you an indication of their experience and look. The more diverse the portfolio of images and showreels showcases, the more insight you’ll get into an Actor or Model’s experience and versatility. Taking time to browse a talent’s portfolio will let you know if they’re capable of showcasing the different looks you’re after (Models). Or achieving particular moves or emotions (Actors).

It’s always easier to visualise talent in your project once you’ve seen their work, and with a few clicks to their portfolio, you can. A talent’s portfolio also shows their previous experience, as well as any other brands, films, or TVCs they’ve worked on. tip: Each profile includes links to a talent’s social media profiles. Click through to see how they photograph naturally.

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#3 - Set your budget

Defining your budget will help you determine the level of experience available in your price range, and the number of hours you’ll be able to hire talent. Setting your budget is done when setting up your job on the platform. Talking about money is never fun, but budget transparency helps both parties agree on project inclusions and exclusions.

For example, if your budget is tight, you may only be able to afford to use images across social media or your website - but not for print advertising, billboards, posters, or television. Discussing compensation and/or deals is critical to avoid miscommunication down the line. So add usage details and rates clearly upfront.

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Unsure what rate is right for your job? We’ve written a handy guide to help you find the right talent at the right price.

Click here to read our official industry rates guide [2022 Edition]

#4 - Maintain open communication

Once a talent has applied for your job on, you can chat directly to them using our secure, built-in chat feature. Use this opportunity to ask them questions or discuss your project in detail. You can also share images in the chat, or organise a Zoom casting, so there are plenty of tools to help you decide who is the best fit for your project.

Need a refresher on a successful casting? Click here to learn how to hold a casting

#5 - Read reviews

When hiring a Model or Actor, you can see their ratings and past reviews on their profile. Reviews make it easy to see which brands have endorsed your preferred Actors or Models, and star ratings give you a quick and easy way to gauge past performance. The more 5-star reviews earned, the more confident you can feel in your talent’s experience and ability to deliver on your shoot.

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Visuals for Tips for Casting a Model or Actor blog
Congratulations! You’re up to speed on casting the best Models and Actors for your next job. Click here to post a job now